A Few Updates (8/11/2023)


Hello! Reilly Hendrix here!

At this time, I would like to share some updates with you concerning what I have been doing since my last update.

Firstly, I am doing alright. Although I am expected to work on college work and other important jobs that will occupy most likely all of my leisure time as I arrive closer and closer to graduation day, I'm doing alright so far. Rest assured that I have not given up on art and I will resume making some once I get the chance to.

Secondly, I recently decided to open up shop on sites like Itaku (because I am infuriated with Twitter/X's decision to cut off Postybirb) and CuriousCat (which I actually had for quite a while, but didn't find any use for it until now). So, if you want to follow me on Itaku and ask questions for me to answer on CuriousCat, now you can! I will post the links on my Pencil Artist Studio Carrd and here if you are interested!

Lastly, and probably least, I recently made an autobiography all about me, who I was, and how I got to this point, which is also on my Carrd. You don't have to read it, but at least you have a primary source of information about me.

...aaaand that pretty much wraps up all the updates I have at this point. If anything else happens, I wil mention it in a new blog post later on. Until then, though, bye for now.