Graduation And Plans Hereafter (8/30/2023)


Hello, everyone! Reilly Hendrix here!

In case you didn't see my recent artwork, I have officially graduated college and am on the road to becoming a man. It was certainly a wild ride.

There were many struggles I have been through during my three years of college (three years because it was a quarter system). I struggled to get my homework done, tidying up my living space was a mess, I had issues trying to get to sleep or to sleep properly, and I doubt I made friends because I needed to hang out with them longer. On the plus side, though, I didn't have to go another year of college, I met some really cool people I can meet with in the future, I made some wonderful memories despite my introverted aspects, I challenged myself to make unique art for college and myself and, best of all, with the loving support from my parents, I was able to complete it all without taking out a single student loan. Now that's what I call a huge win!

Now, with all that said, what will my plans be after graduating? Honestly, it's mostly blurry, but I do have some ideas. As of this update, I live in my parents' home, where I was born and lived most of my life. I will not stay here for long, though, as I plan to get a job somewhere and maybe learn how to drive by the start of 2024. I was thinking of living in Utah because, as a graduate with a Bachelor's in Communication with an emphasis in Animation, it will be hard to find a job in Hollywood while it's crashing and burning (that, and politics I will not get into).

As for making art this time, I don't know if I will have more or less time to make it. However, since I am not forced to spend almost every day attending classes and doing homework daily, the former amount of time might be the case.

Whether or not these ideas and dreams I have will become true is hard to know at this point, so... stay tuned. I sure hope they do, though.